Friday, April 17, 2009

Bonus Opportunities

Publishing companies employ professionals to edit material and make sure there are no grammatical errors in the books and magazines they sell. Still, sometimes things slip through. In fact, if you look carefully in your Adventures in Reading book, you'll notice that some of the authors violate rules regarding to punctuation. Identifying these mistakes shows that you can read carefully, but it also shows that you have a firm grasp on the rules of grammar.

Please bring in examples of grammar errors in the use of capitalization or commas and end marks.

To receive one point on an exam from Chapter 21 or Chapter 22, depending on what kind of error you find, please submit your error in the following way:

Bring the book or magazine so that I may see the error.

Submit a proper MLA bibliographic entry for the text(typed).

Under your MLA bibliographic entry, rewrite the sentence that contains the error.

Explain, in paragraph form, what the mistake is and what rule it violates from your Elements of Language book.

Remember, one point equals one percent. So, for each mistake you find and document properly, you can earn one percent bonus on an exam. One percent for each individual mistake.
Websites and documents found on the internet are not valid. Only published materials count, so correcting a friend's essay is not going to earn you any points.

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