Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 and 9/14

Materials Checks
Organizing Time

6. impressionistic adjective a. Of or pertaining to a highly personalized response to art or experience as opposed to a response based on reason or fact. b. Reflecting a style of painting of the late nineteenth century that is marked by concentration on the impression created by the subject.
7. insight noun a. The ability to see and understand the true nature of something. b. An idea of the true nature of something.
8. myopia noun a. Shortsightedness or lack of good judgment in thinking or planning. b. Nearsightedness.
9. perceptive adjective a. Having the ability to be keenly aware of things and situations; knowing. b. Marked by understanding.
10. survey trans. verb a. To examine or look at broadly. b. To inspecit carefully; scrutinize. c. To determine the measures, boundaries, or elevation of land or features of earth’s surface. intrans. verb to make a survey of land. noun a. A broad view. b. A detailed inspection or investigation. c. The act or process of surveying land.

Treasure Island Report
-worksheets, study guides
Grammar Quiz
"The Most Dangerous Game"


Vocab worksheets will be collected for a grade next class

Vocab quiz next class

Type 1 sentence for each of the fifty (50) vocab words.
type them in order

Treasure Island test next class

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