Monday, March 8, 2010

3/8 and 3/9

Drama Quiz
Grammar Homework review
In-Class Writing-(Though we ran out of time for this workshop, please peruse the Thesis Workshop below to prepare for next class)


Vocab Worksheets
Vocab Quiz
Drama Quiz #2(For periods 1 and 3, this will actually be Drama Quiz #1, and it will be based on the notes we took in class)
Exercise3 and Review A and Review B from Elements of Language Chapter 23.

Thesis Workshop
A good thesis should do three things:
1. Make your point.
2. Provide a sense of the logic behind your argument.
3. Act as a brief summary of your essay.
1a. Wolves should be protected.
1b. Many people fear and despise wolves because of myths and fairy tales, but encounters between humans and wolves are rare and seldom violent; in addition, because wolves play a vital role in the balance of the ecosystem, the existing wolf population in Yellowstone National Park should be protected.
2a. Despite billboard success by bands such as Five and The Backstreet Boys, N-Sync still claims the title of world’s greatest boy band because of their melodious harmonies, intricate choreography, and unfaltering devotion to world peace.
2b. N-Sync rules.
3a. I like soccer.
3b. Though I had been succeeding in soccer for most of my life, the day my high school team lost the state championship proved to me that soccer had been providing me a literacy of how to work hard and accept adversity, and that literacy has translated into my life as a student to help me in my college and career goals.
Exercise: If the following sentences are topic sentences from five paragraphs of an essay, can you consolidate the ideas into a clear and concise thesis?
I. Schools often incorporate field trips as part of the curriculum.
II. Some students benefit from the interactive nature of field trips.
III. Field trips interrupt the flow of typical school schedules.
IV. Many students do not take field trips as education opportunities.
V. Field trips off the chance for students to behave irresponsibly and evade important supervision.

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