Thursday, April 29, 2010

4/29 and 4/30


Collect Rules
Vocab Review
Vocab Quiz
New Vocab

1. apologist noun A person who argues in defense or justification of an idea or cause.
2. contend trans. verb To maintain or assert; argue (for) a point of view. intrans. verb a. To strive or struggle in controversy or debate; dispute. b. To strive, as in battle; fight. c. To compete, as in race.
3. dissuade trans. verb To discourage or keep (someone) from a purpose or course of action.
4. fallacy noun a. An opinion based on mistaken assumptions or logic; a false notion. b. False reasoning, belief, or argument.
5. hypothesis noun a. A statement that accounts for a set of facts but cannot be proved by direct supporting evidence; a theory. b. Something that is assumed as a basis for action or discussion.

Act V Read-a-Long and reading POP QUIZ

For those student-athletes who missed the Act V Read-a-Long, you may visit room 16 on Friday, April 30 to read with the performance and FINISH the play. Otherwise, you must finish on your own.


Bring Romeo and Juliet study guide next class

Read Chapters 5 and 6 in The War of the Worlds

Exercises 1 and 2 in Chapter 24 of Elements of Language

QUIZ next class! On the charts from pages 740 and 741 in Elements of Language. It would be useful to memorize the types of things that should be italicized.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4/27 and 4/28


New Vocab + Worksheets
Chapter 24 Diagnostic Preview
Act IV Read-a-long


Vocab Worksheets due and Vocab Quiz NEXT CLASS

Reread Chapter 1,2,3, and 4 in Book 2 of The War of the Worlds

Write or type all rules from Chapter 24 in Elements of Language, 24a-24k

Bring you MLA guide next week:
Monday, May 3 for odds
Tuesday, May 4 for evens

The MLA is in its seventh edition, and with the purchase of the book, you get access to the MLA handbook website.

This book was a requirement since the first day of school, so very few students should need to purchase it. With six days until you need it, buying it online might NOT be the best option. The book is available in most book stores.

ISBN#: 9781603290241

There are many other MLA "style guides," but this is the official book from the MLA; this is the one that I want you to have.

Friday, April 23, 2010

4/23 and 4/26

Discussed PIE paragraphs
Reviewed Vocab
Vocab 27 Quiz
New Vocab
Reviewed Chapter 23 Exam
Discussed The War of the Worlds Book1


Chapter 24 Diagnostic Preview in Elements of Language

Read Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Book 2 of The War of the Worlds
feel free to visit to stream or download a free audio version of the novel.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/22 Earth Day


Earth Day

Period 1 and 2: For Earth Day, we read Edwin Way Teale's essay "The Death of a Tree" in class. We discussed the cycle of life as depicted in the story, and we shared our own stories of personal connection to trees.

Period 3: We visited the STEP Projects, and we tried to use those as inspiration for "Flash Fiction."

Period 6: We revisited terms and concepts of poetry, and we wrote collaborative poems.

Period 7: We composed short-short fiction with the theme of science or Earth Day.

No homework from today, but the assignments from last class, 2 PIE paragraphs and your vocab worksheets/quiz, are due next class.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Materials Checks
Transitive Verb Test
New Vocab
Paragraph worksheets/discussion


Thursday will be a special schedule for Earth Day, so the following work will be due on 4/23 and 4/26 for odd and even classes respectively.

Choose two topics from paragraph worksheet 3-37 and type a PIE paragraph for each

Vocab Worksheets and Quiz next class

Friday, April 16, 2010

4/16 and 4/19

Materials Check
Review Vocab
Vocab Quiz
New Vocab
Paragraph Activities (held over for homework)
3 by 3 activity: Can you sum up a short story in 3 sentences of 3 words each?
The War of the Worlds POP quiz: Can you sum up Chapter 14 in 3 sentences of 3 words each?
Read-a-long Romeo and Juliet Act III

Act III Reading Check questions from page 554 in Adventures in Reading, #1-5.
Read Chapters 16 and 17 in The War of the Worlds
Paragraph worksheets: Follow the directions, and review your PIE paragraph worksheets. Try to make each paragraph have a topic sentence, information, and an explanation or interpretation of the information.
Prepare for a Transitive Verb test next class: Be able to write a definition for a transitive verb, and be able to write four (4) example sentences.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Composition Commandments

1. Do not reference your own writing
2. Do not use first-person pronouns as in the following examples: "I think," "I believe," "I feel," and "in my opinion."
3. Don't use contractions.
4. Always read aloud before you submit your essay.
5. Your thesis should be the last sentence of your introduction.
6. Your essay needs a concluding paragraph.
7. A revised version of your thesis should be the first sentence of your conclusion.

4/14 and 4/15

Materials Checks
New Vocab
Romeo and Juliet, Act III Scene 1


vocab 26 worksheets due next class
vocab 26 quiz next class
Read Chapters 14 and 15 in The War of the Worlds
HONORS: Read Act III, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet

1. assess trans. verb a. To determine the significance or importance of; evaluate; appraise b. To estimate the value of property for taxation; set the amount of tax, fine, or other payment.
2. disregard trans. verb a. To pay little or no attention to; ignore or neglect b. To treat as unworthy of notice noun Lack of thoughtful attention or proper respect.
3. enthrall trans. verb To captivate; hold spellbound; charm.
4. heedless adjective a. Unmindful; inattentive; unobservant b. Careless.
5. indifferent adjective a. Marked by a lack of interest in or concern about something; uninvolved b. Showing no preference; impartial; unbiased c. Neither good nor bad; mediocre.
6. oblivious adjective a. Lacking conscious awareness b. Forgetful.
7. preoccupy trans. verb To hold the attention or interest of; engross.
8. receptive adjective Ready or willing to receive something favorably.
9. scrutinize trans. verb To pay close attention to minute detail; examine something carefully, critically, or searchingly.
10. vigilant adjective Watchful; on the alert; wary.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4/12 and 4/13

Return things
New Vocab (26)
War of the Worlds discussion
Writing (Prewriting)


Essay due next class on one of the 15 topics from the thesis worksheet.